Sony a9 Quick Start Guide for Bird and Wildlife Photography

Sony a9 Quick Start Guide for Bird and Wildlife Photography

Thanks to my friends at B&H, I have had the opportunity to try, shoot and fully evaluate many of the major mirrorless cameras on the market. At the time of this writing (May 2019), the Sony a9 mirrorless camera was the fastest and most unique full frame mirrorless camera I’ve tried. It didn’t take me long (2 days) to fall in love with this camera. I was quickly capturing incredible moments in time that other cameras struggled or failed with.

My love for the a9 didn’t falter after the honeymoon period ended either. In fact, 6 months in and the a9 amazes me just as much as it did the first time I held it in my hands but enough of my love affair with this camera. Let’s get you up to speed (something the a9 is very good at) on setting up, using and understanding how to capture incredible images of birds and other amazing wildlife with the Sony a9.

By popular request, I’ve made a guide to setting up and using the Sony a9 for bird in flight and wildlife photography. This guide is available in two flavors. There is a video that is about an hour long. You can watch that below but there is also a downloadable E-Book that is the same content as the video. Of course, I suggest watching the video and picking up the Sony a9 Quick Start Guide for Bird and Wildlife Photography.